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Java & Network Programming Specialists 



Solidware provides consulting and custom programming services using JavaTM applications, web services and JSP/servlet backend server programs.
Our clients include:  
  1. Companies re-writing legacy software in Java using state of the art open-source technologies
  2. Writing new applications in Java interfacing with web services, conventional databases and big data.
  3. Companies integrating backend databases and applications for internal and customer use through web browsers or mobile devices with HTML5
  4. Using "network of things" technologies such as the Raspberry Pi for building intelligent embedded internet appliances.
We do the network programming which allows them to:  
  • receive i-commerce orders 
  • survey users 
  • search inventory databases 
  • distribute software 
  • chart financial data 
  • analyze sales trends 
  • perform customer service 
  • interact with your clients & partners 

We take pride in our results! You get what you expect, when you expect it - tested, maintainable, and clearly documented. Please contact us for more information. 

Solidware, Inc.  
Portland, OR 97217 
Email: jonb at  
Resume:Jon Batcheller  

  Javatm and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.